Autor Tema: High Graphics Unlocked for eFootball 2.0.0 + High/Ultra Graphics Addon  (Pročitano 15227 puta)

0 Članovi i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.


  • Diskriminator foruma
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Things in This Patch:
 Removed Chromatic Aberration
 Removed Film Grain
 Removed Vignette
 Removed GrainJitter
 Removed Film Shadow Tint
 Removed Motion Blur completely
 Removed Bloom completely
 Improved Shadows
 You will get a much clearer and sharper experience with this Patch.
 (Picture is from Version 1.01, but its basically the same with 2.0.0)
 Download for 2.0.0:

High Graphics Addon

 If your PC is powerful enough, here you got a little extra to get the best Graphics.
 As i stated before, this Game has 2 different Graphic Setups. One good looking for Replays/Curscenes and one for the normal Game Camera. With this exe you will always get the best looking Setup.
 This exe also has FPS Unlocked.
 Much better Lightning, Shadows on the Players and better Ambient Occlusion on the Players.
 (Picture is from Version 1.01, but its basically the same with 2.0.0)
 Download for 2.0.0:

Ultra Graphics Addon
If you want the best possible Graphical Settings in this Game this is the way to go. Everything fully maxed out. Say goodbye to your FPS!
 Even better Lightning and Ambient Occlusion
 Huge LOD improvement
 All Cloth Physics enabled
 This exe also has FPS Unlocked.
 (Pictures are from Version 1.01, but its basically the same with 2.0.0)
 Download for 2.0.0:

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Odg: High Graphics Unlocked for eFootball 2.0.0 + High/Ultra Graphics Addon
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 29. avgust 2022, 17:59:13 »
Ja ga brate exctractovao u pravi folder, E:\Games\steamapps\common\eFootball\pak  i nista se nije desilo, setings idalje stoji na istoj bednoj rezoluciji


  • Diskriminator foruma
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Odg: High Graphics Unlocked for eFootball 2.0.0 + High/Ultra Graphics Addon
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 29. avgust 2022, 19:17:43 »
Nisam ni probao iskreno.
Mislim da ide ovo, pa na to high ili ultra:

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Odg: High Graphics Unlocked for eFootball 2.0.0 + High/Ultra Graphics Addon
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 29. avgust 2022, 23:03:12 »
Stavio sam ja exe sa Ultra, ali nista se u setings nije promenilo, a ja nevidim neku bitnu promenu u slici


  • Diskriminator foruma
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Odg: High Graphics Unlocked for eFootball 2.0.0 + High/Ultra Graphics Addon
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 29. avgust 2022, 23:44:38 »
pa ni nema neke preterano velike razlike

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