Autor Tema: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019  (Pročitano 1354096 puta)

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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #30 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 14:13:56 »
Citat: Mihajlodc;1495599
Videćemo kada bude izašla igra zvanično. Do tada samo možemo da nagađamo.

Nagađanje mi je najbolji deo čekanja na PES :)

nesa24 the end

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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #31 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 16:07:12 »
sutra ce i demo da najave garant
cuj demo bojan1801 ima celu igru i salje linkove cim dodje sa posla
All men dream: but not equally. This I did.
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Odg: Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #32 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 16:23:53 »
Citat: nesa24;1495604
sutra ce i demo da najave garant
cuj demo bojan1801 ima celu igru i salje linkove cim dodje sa posla

Još uvek je na poslu
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Odg: Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #33 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 19:28:16 »
Citat: Mihajlodc;1495595
Evo informacije direktno iz fabrike :)

Prepare for “The Power of Football”
as KONAMI announces first details for PES 2019, confirms
August 30th Launch Date
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has today announced its most exciting football game ever, PES 2019.
PES 2019 will fulfil KONAMI’s ongoing commitment to increase the number of licenses confirming; more fully licensed leagues and stadiums, more club licensed partnerships, and a host of new Legends that will be announced in the weeks to come. FC Barcelona star and global ambassador Philippe Coutinho will be featured on this year’s cover while a special David Beckham edition featuring a present-day version of one of England’s all-time greatest footballers.
Fans will be able to experience lifelike player movement making PES 2019’s famed superior gameplay even greater as Beckham, Coutinho and more have their unique playing styles brought to life. The game takes player individuality to the next level by introducing a variety of new skill traits that give the player a chance to create Magic Moments on the pitch, which is now the forefront of PES 2019’s superior gameplay.
Finding space in tough-to-break down opponents will take a twist as well with Visible Fatigue, which will impact performance and behaviour. New shooting mechanics will take into account improved ball physics, player and ball position, and player skills and shot styles. Hitting the back of the net in PES 2019 will be more satisfying than ever before with new net physics and celebrations added, teamed with new crowd animations.
The beautiful game has never looked better thanks to ‘Enlighten’ software for true-to-life visual effects and 4K HDR across all platforms. Real time ‘Global Illumination’ lighting and shadows has led to improved in-game graphics with better crowd detail, real grass textures and the return of the incredibly popular snow weather effect.
myClub will see its biggest revamp to date, as the brand new player card design system leads a series of revolutionary changes to the way players build their squads. myClub players can also look forward to finding High Performance Players, including Legend Players and Players of the Week with temporarily boosted stats based on real world performances.
KONAMI is also excited to continue its partnership with one of the world’s biggest pre-season football tournaments, International Champions Cup (ICC). Elements of the ICC will be implemented into Master League, which will also include a new negotiation system, living menus and realistic transfers, elevating the mode to new heights.
PES 2019 players can also look forward to a new menu interface, dynamically updated to bring fans the latest news about PES from the game itself. The new modern look is built around motion bringing the menu screens to life, while giving fans exclusive offers, including discounts on other upcoming products.
“KONAMI has listened to the fans and has put their changes and suggestions at the forefront of what makes PES 2019 the best addition to the franchise yet,” commented Jonas Lygaard, Senior Director for Brand and Business Development at Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. “Our number one desire is to give the fans more of what they want and delivering it sooner than ever before. On August 30th, more licensed teams, more fully licensed leagues, and the continued improvement of PES’ superior gameplay. We believe in The Power of Football and that’s why PES 2019 will be our most powerful game yet, with 4K capabilities and improved player individuality bringing all aspects of football to life.”
PES 2019 will be available on PlayStation®4, Xbox One™, and PC STEAM, on August 30th. PES 2019 will be available in two physical editions, with new global ambassador Phillippe Coutinho on the front cover of the standard edition and David Beckham on a special edition which gives fans the opportunity to unlock myClub bonuses. Also available at launch will be a digital-only Legend edition that will include even more content for myClub!

Mnogo sam se obradovao za ICC licencu.Izgubili licencu za LŠ i LE, ali tu je "velika" licenca za neki nebitni turnir.Kao da je bitno da li će da piše ICC ili nešto drugo.


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #34 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 20:14:54 »
A LŠ je inače jako bitna.
Tvrdim da 90% ljudi ovde nije ni upalilo mod da vidi intro.

Posebna ponuda za članove foruma za MTS i Supernovu.
Poruka u inbox za ponudu ili klik na baner za više informacija.
Sledeći korisnici su se zahvalili za ovaj post: Mihajlodc, witchfighter, donatelo3


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Odg: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #35 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 20:17:31 »
Meni nije bitna, ali se nadam da se te njihove velike najave za nove licence, neće završiti na produžetak saradnje sa ICC.Meni je lično više žao za Špansku ligu, nego za LŠ, mada ni to nije problem.Takođe ni ja nisam upalio LŠ mod, čak štaviše igrao sam vrlo malo SP ove godine.Najviše igram online i sa drugovima.
« Poslednja izmena: 8. maj 2018, 20:21:32 od strane VEK1NG »


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #36 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 20:17:38 »
Citat: Darcoolio;1495622
A LŠ je inače jako bitna.
Tvrdim da 90% ljudi ovde nije ni upalilo mod da vidi intro.
Jedan od tih likova. Mene samo online mod zanima. Dakke servere da srede.
The Game Is About Glory ! To dare is to do !
Sledeći korisnici su se zahvalili za ovaj post: Darcoolio, internacional 1, football-freak, real022, ficicaaa, donatelo3


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #37 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 20:45:08 »
Ја искрено жалим за ЛШ као што ми је било криво за Либертадорес и Судамерикану, може се модовати али није то баш као што је било.
Али шта је ту је ни пре нису имали, бар да буде тих лига што више а поготово стадиона.
Волети Црвену звезду није мала ствар, озбиљно вам кажем!


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #38 poslato: 8. maj 2018, 21:09:45 »
Nemojte mnogo da se nadate nekim promenama, kao da ne znate PES i KONAMI. Biće nekih grafičkih detalja, malo promena u gameplay-u što bi i Neša odradio, i to je to! Ipak treba da se sačuva nešto za 2020 i naredne verzije, pa svake godine se po nešto malo promeni, ali se napereduje iz godine u godinu i to je PES, iščekivanje nove verzije i bitno je samo da su nam živi i zdravi :)
Nepojmiva silA
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Odg: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #39 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 01:38:17 »
Pitam se da li će biti neko takmičenje poput Lige nacije.Bilo bi zanimljivo videti to u PES-u, uzimajući u obzir da PES ima licencu za veliki broj evropskih reprezentacija.


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #40 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 10:19:58 »
Su najavili neko vreme kad će biti prezentacija/trejler/tizer od 4 sekunde?

Posebna ponuda za članove foruma za MTS i Supernovu.
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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #41 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 10:34:54 »
Citat: Darcoolio;1495651
Su najavili neko vreme kad će biti prezentacija/trejler/tizer od 4 sekunde?

Nisu koliko znam, ali ne vjerujem da ce biti 4 sekunde .... nebi imalo smisla nazvati full reveal i staviti 4 sekunde - ja ocekujem nekih minutu trailer gdje ce biti mozda 20 sekundi gameplaya iz onih nekih kamera iz blizine


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #42 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 11:27:19 »
Verovatno ce biti par slika, akcenat na portrete igraca, grafiku , mozda neki video tipa teaser za trejler lol i sl. gejmplej cisto sumnjam, vise ce to biti predstavljanje u nekoj pisanoj formi kao sto je okacio Mihajlodc.


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #43 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 11:44:21 »
Ovo što sam ja okačio, je iz zvaničnog dokumenta koji konami šalje svojim distributerima. Tako da očekujem da će biti ovo što sam okačio uz par slika i neki video. Sumnjam da će nešto više okačiti.
The Game Is About Glory ! To dare is to do !
Sledeći korisnici su se zahvalili za ovaj post: Marko82


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Re: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
« Odgovor #44 poslato: 9. maj 2018, 11:51:05 »

Posebna ponuda za članove foruma za MTS i Supernovu.
Poruka u inbox za ponudu ili klik na baner za više informacija.